Automatic time processing
for drivers
EasyHours more efficient personnel administration with EasyHours
EasyHours is a software solution that provides a clear and complete process for recording and processing hours, wages and collective bargaining data for transportation companies.
The system is independent and works in conjunction with the Efficio On-board Computer, EasyTrack and EasyTacho.
EasyHours is based on the CLAs of TLN and other domestic and foreign CLAs, and also allows for company-specific agreements and standards.
With EasyHours you can save time and costs.
The complex hour calculations of driving and non-driving personnel are calculated automatically.
Applying the various CLA rules and company-specific agreements also becomes a lot easier.
How EasyHours can help you
Trip control underpinned by data
EasyHours has a handy feature that allows you to check your trip data.
This trip data is automatically collected from the Efficio on-board computer.
You can easily set how often you want to receive the trip data.
Thanks to the visual display of the trip data, checking and correcting the data is quick and easy.
CLA calculation
EayHours automatically handles the calculations for your collective bargaining agreement.
This includes hours, allowances, benefits and even company-specific regulations and collective bargaining agreements from other countries.
By default, the following hours CLAs and regulations are available: TLN CLA, Retail, AGF, LEO, GEO, GFG and Belgium, Germany, Czech Republic, Romania, England and Finland (mixed CLAs).
Adjustable standard times by activity or location
EasyHours automatically creates correction proposals based on preset standard times.
You can easily and quickly check and implement these proposals.
It is even possible to implement the corrections fully automatically based on the norm times.
Efficient overviews of working times per employee in combination with the Efficio on-board computer
EasyHours automatically creates clear overviews of working hours for your drivers.
These summaries are based on trip information from the Efficio on-board computer.
You can easily send them to your drivers by e-mail or make them available in the ‘Employee Portal’.
Automated exports to payroll packages
To make it even easier for you, EasyHours has the ability to automatically export periodic statements into a file, which you can submit to the payroll processor or import into payroll software.
Work schedules and leave schedules
EasyHours offers the ability to use different types of schedules and enter leave schedules.
These are displayed in clear overviews.
EasyHours can also automatically generate timesheets for office staff and other non-driving personnel based on established work schedules.
Any adjustments or additions can be made for absences due to leave or illness.
It is also possible to enter hours or trip dates completely manually.
- Trip control underpinned by data
- CLA calculation
- Adjustable standard times by activity or location
- Efficient overviews of working hours per employee
- Automated exports to payroll packages
- Work schedules and leave schedules
Making your payroll more efficient with EasyHours?
Get in touch with our product specialist Jos
Fleet Management
EasyHours is suitable for these vehicles
Is your vehicle not listed here?
Remote Tachograafmanagement
Met EasyTacho lees je de tachograaf en chauffeurspas op afstand uit in de cloud. Automatisch voldoen aan wetgeving. Bespaar tijd. Voorkomt boetes.
Discover more detailsFerngesteuertes Fahrtenschreiber-Management
Mit EasyTacho lesen Sie Ihren Fahrtenschreiber und Ihre Fahrerkarte aus der Ferne in der Cloud aus. Erfüllen Sie automatisch die gesetzlichen Vorschriften. Sparen Sie Zeit. Vermeiden Sie Bußgelder.
Discover more detailsRemote Tachograph Management
With EasyTacho, read your tachograph and driver's pass remotely in the cloud. Automatically comply with legislation. Saves time. Avoid fines.
Discover more detailsFleet Management telematica
EasyTrack Fleetmanagement biedt oplossingen voor voertuigtracking en wagenparkbeheer met functies zoals fiscus-proof rittenregistraties, track & trace, rapportages en is modulair uit te breiden.
Discover more detailsFlottenmanagement telematica
EasyTrack Fleetmanagement bietet Fahrzeugverfolgung und Flottenmanagementlösungen mit Funktionen wie steuerlich korrekte Fahrtenaufzeichnung, Track & Trace, Reporting und ist modular erweiterbar.
Discover more detailsFleet Management telematica
EasyTrack Fleetmanagement offers vehicle tracking and fleet management solutions with features such as tax-proof trip recording, track & trace, reporting and is modularly expandable.
Discover more detailsBoordcomputer en modules
De Efficio boordcomputer optimaliseert voertuigbeheer met functies zoals ritregistratie, navigatie, taken en berichten, (e)CMR, brandstof monitoring, urenregistraties en meer.
Discover more detailsBordcomputer und Module
Der Efficio-Bordcomputer optimiert das Fahrzeugmanagement mit Funktionen wie Fahrtenbuch, Navigation, Aufgaben und Meldungen, (e)CMR, Kraftstoffüberwachung, Zeiterfassung und mehr.
Discover more detailsBoard computer and modules
The Efficio on-board computer optimizes vehicle management with functions such as trip recording, navigation, tasks and messages, (e)CMR, fuel monitoring, time recording and more.
Discover more detailsBrandstofmanagement & rijgedraganalyse
EasyDrive analyseert rijgedrag en biedt inzicht om rijprestaties te verbeteren en brandstofverbruik te verminderen. Duurzaam. Kosten besparend. Meer rendement.
Discover more detailsKraftstoffmanagement und Fahrverhaltensanalyse
EasyDrive analysiert das Fahrverhalten und liefert Erkenntnisse zur Verbesserung der Fahrleistung und zur Reduzierung des Kraftstoffverbrauchs. Nachhaltig. Kostensparend. Höhere Effizienz.
Discover more detailsFuel management & driving behavior analysis
EasyDrive analyzes driving behavior and provides insight to improve driving performance and reduce fuel consumption. Sustainable. Cost-saving. Greater efficiency.
Discover more detailsRemote objecten lokaliseren
EasyAsset lokaliseert en beheert kostbare materialen en objecten via GPS-tracking. Bespaar tijd. Voorkom verlies en diefstal.
Discover more detailsEntfernter Objektstandort
EasyAsset lokalisiert und verwaltet wertvolle Materialien und Gegenstände per GPS-Ortung. Sparen Sie Zeit. Verhindern Sie Verlust und Diebstahl.
Discover more detailsRemote object localization
EasyAsset locates and manages valuable materials and objects via GPS tracking. Save time. Prevent loss and theft.
Discover more detailsLED Verlichting en signaleringssystemen
De EasyLights producten bieden duurzame LED-werklampen, en zwaai- en flitslampen. Efficiënt, duurzaam en veilig werken in het donker. Ongevallen voorkomen. Verbeter arbeidsomstandigheden.
Discover more detailsLED Lighting and signaling systems
EasyLights products offer durable LED work lights, and flashing and strobe lights. Efficient, durable and safe working in the dark. Prevent accidents. Improve working conditions.
Discover more detailsLED-Beleuchtung und -Signalanlagen
Das EasyDetect-Programm besteht aus allen Arten von Erfassungsgeräten für Fahrzeuge und Maschinen, um Personen und Hindernisse rechtzeitig zu erkennen und die Sicherheit zu verbessern. Vermeiden Sie Unfälle, Schäden und Reklamationen.
Discover more detailsDetectiesystemen & Red-lines
Het EasyDetect programma bestaat uit allerlei detectieapparatuur voor voertuigen en machines om personen en obstakels tijdig te herkennen en de veiligheid te verbeteren. Voorkom ongevallen, schades en claims.
Discover more detailsDetektionssysteme und rote Linien
Das EasyDetect-Programm besteht aus allen Arten von Erfassungsgeräten für Fahrzeuge und Maschinen, um Personen und Hindernisse rechtzeitig zu erkennen und die Sicherheit zu verbessern. Vermeiden Sie Unfälle, Schäden und Reklamationen.
Discover more detailsDetectiesystemen & Red-lines
The EasyDetect program consists of all kinds of detection equipment for vehicles and machines to recognize people and obstacles in time and improve safety. Prevent accidents, damages and claims.
Discover more details360° / AI Camerasystemen en videotelematica
EasyView omvat diverse (AI) camerasystemen en monitoren voor voertuigen en machines, die zorgen voor verbeterd 360° en birdview zicht en veiligheid. Voldoe aan wetgevingen. Voorkom schades en ongevallen. Verbeter arbeidsomstandigheden.
Discover more details360° / AI Kamerasysteme und Videotelematik
EasyView umfasst verschiedene (AI-)Kamerasysteme und Monitore für Fahrzeuge und Maschinen, die eine verbesserte 360°- und Vogelperspektive bieten und die Sicherheit erhöhen. Erfüllen Sie die gesetzlichen Vorschriften. Verhindern Sie Schäden und Unfälle. Verbessern Sie die Arbeitsbedingungen.
Discover more details360° / AI Camera systems and video telematics
EasyView includes various (AI) camera systems and monitors for vehicles and machines, providing enhanced 360° and birdview visibility and safety. Comply with regulations. Prevent damages and accidents. Improve working conditions.
Discover more detailsKlimaatbeheersing
EasyClimate producten omvatten standkachels en standairco's voor voertuigen en machines, die zorgen voor een comfortabel klimaat ongeacht de buitentemperatuur. Verbeter de arbeidsomstandigheden.
Discover more detailsKlimatisierung
Zu den EasyClimate-Produkten gehören Standheizungen und Standklimageräte für Fahrzeuge und Maschinen, die unabhängig von der Außentemperatur für ein angenehmes Klima sorgen. Verbessern Sie die Arbeitsbedingungen.
Discover more detailsClimate control
EasyClimate products include stand heaters and stand air conditioners for vehicles and machinery, which provide a comfortable climate regardless of the outside temperature. Improve working conditions.
Discover more detailsAchteruitrijalarmen
Alarmeringsapparatuur voor voertuigen en machines, dat zorgt voor snelle en betrouwbare waarschuwingen om de veiligheid en reactiecapaciteit te verbeteren.
Discover more detailsUmkehrende Alarme
Fahrzeugwarngeräte, die schnelle und zuverlässige Warnungen zur Verbesserung der Sicherheit und Reaktionsfähigkeit liefern.
Discover more detailsReverse alarms
Vehicle alarm devices that provide fast and reliable alerts to improve safety and response capability.
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Making your vehicles more efficient and sustainable?
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Fleet Management
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Success stories with Easytrack
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